Hold a conservative view, get ratted out to your university’s administration

Hold a conservative view, get ratted out to your university’s administration, by Ashe Schow.

Two professors at the [Grand Valley State University], which is located in Michigan, were reported to the school’s bias response team (it’s exactly what you think it is) by their students for voicing conservative viewpoints …

One of the professors stated he or she … believed there were only two genders and wouldn’t use alternate pronouns like ze or zir. The other professor said he believed children should be raised by a mother and father. The second professor was required to have a conversation with his department chair about the “incident.”

The first professor was discussing categories in data entry that have only one possible answer. He compared that to gender pronouns and, according to the student who filed the report, said that terms like ze and zir were “ridiculous” and that there were only males and females.The student who made the report said the professor “was not hateful towards any individual” but had insisted students only use the terms male and female. …

“I don’t care what his personal feelings are about gender, but he has created an unwelcoming environment for students who don’t fit as male or female,” the anonymous student wrote. “That’s not acceptable.” …

The other report was against associate philosophy professor Mark Moes. The student who reported Moes said the professor “verbally attacked the rights of same-sex couples” by stating that “children need opposite-sex parents.” The student also claims Moes said: “You want to talk about rights? How about children’s rights to have a proper upbringing?”

I wonder if that sort of thing is already occurring at Australian universities.