Islamic terror: France’s Benjamin Erbibou says stop blaming West

Islamic terror: France’s Benjamin Erbibou says stop blaming West, by Janel Albrechtsen.

Combating this cultural malaise is every bit as important as new security laws, says Benjamin Erbibou, who works at an organisation based in Nice that provides grassroots counselling to men and women across France who are at risk of radicalisation and those already radicalised.

Warning No 1: many on the Left won’t like what Erbibou has to say about the relationship between mental illness and radicalisation.

“With all this experience, we have been able to come to some conclusions … It has nothing to do with craziness,” he says.

“It’s a political proposition. Their main objective is very simple, they want to replace democracy and all the values of democracy, the laws of men, with the law of God and they want society that is ruled by sharia. That’s it. They say we have no legitimacy and we have no right to create our own laws. …

Warning No 2: those on the Left won’t like what he says next.

Erbibou says “the most terrible thing we can do for them” is to perpetuate the myth of victimhood. He condemns the mentality that says France and other Western countries are racist.

hat-tip Stephen Neil