Only Tony Abbott can fix what Malcolm Turnbull broke in the Liberal Party

Only Tony Abbott can fix what Malcolm Turnbull broke in the Liberal Party, by Andrew Bolt.

TONY Abbott must return as leader of the shattered Liberals after Saturday’s election disaster. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull out, Abbott in — even if journalists still sneer. …

Morrison takes the blame for the disastrous superannuation tax grab that outraged so many Liberal supporters and for not properly developing or arguing the Coalition’s economic policies. As for Bishop, she has again been exposed as a lightweight, not least by being totally clueless in trying to explain the Liberals’ super policy on radio. …

Turnbull’s grievous mistakes:

Why did he not campaign on big Liberal strengths — Labor leader Bill Shorten’s planned electricity tax and his dodgy record as a union boss of accepting donations from businesses covered by his union?

Why did he campaign instead on a pathetic “10-year plan” that was little more than a tax cut for business that stretched over an improbable decade?

Why did he treat the Liberals’ base as trash, smashing it with a huge tax grab on superannuation, repeatedly snubbing Abbott and talking up almost every social cause of the Left, from same-sex marriage to global warming?

Why did he call the colonial settlement of Australia an “invasion”, hold an Iftar dinner with known Muslim hate-preachers during the election campaign or tell (now Senator-elect) Pauline Hanson she was not a “welcome presence” in Parliament?

Why did he ban conservative journalists, preferring the company of the Leftist ABC?

Turnbull is probably finished:

He now has no real authority even within his party. He was never liked or trusted and now that he’s failed to deliver the clear victory he promised, the contract is broken.

With the numbers in Parliament so tight, almost any Coalition MP could thwart any Turnbull plan simply by crossing the floor to vote against it and would laugh at any lecture on loyalty. …

Abbott looked better:

Almost every member of a focus group shown on Sky News last week praised Abbott as a man of conviction, as opposed to Turnbull’s flim flam.

Abbott is also a far better campaigner than Turnbull, able to hammer home messages as the Wentworth Waffler never could. In fact, Abbott won big swings in the two campaigns he led and Turnbull has in his first lost almost the lot.

hat-tip David Archibald