Federal election 2016: selective memory on finances limit choice

Federal election 2016: selective memory on finances limit choice, by Maurice Newman.

Truth is, Labor and its fellow travellers within the Coalition, the media and the left-wing intellig­entsia have never really signed up to serious fiscal restraint, let alone a budget emergency. After 25 years of uninterrupted growth, they have grown complacent and take improving living standards for granted.

They give priority to populist programs to buy votes and foolishly deny that talent and capital move to where they are most welcome. …

Like the rest of the advanced world Australia faces debt, ageing demographics and potential deflation. Yet the main parties have resolved to whistle a happy tune as if there will be no day of reckoning. Best to wait until credit downgrades or a crisis leave them with no alternative. …

So, presented with representatives from the main parties each preferring to inhabit that primit­ive refuge of selective memories and blind eyes, voters’ choices are limited. The best they can do is ­inflict the least harm on their children’s future and hope that in time safer options will present.