Protester grabbed a policeman’s firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump

Protester, 20, grabbed a policeman’s firearm at Las Vegas rally and said he wanted to KILL Donald Trump, after driving from California and learning how to shoot on a gun range the day before, by David Marosko.

More violence “caused” by Trump, because he is so “divisive” (aka non-PC)? Or is all the “Trump is Hitler” talk from the PC media a license or incitement for lefty violence against Trump, a dog-whistle to all the nuts to kill Trump? Will Trump still be alive in November? Will Clinton be indicted for corruption or security breaches?

1968 was another turbulent election year in the US. It saw the assassination of presidential candidate Senator Robert Kennedy (brother of the late President, John F. Kennedy) by 22-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan (sounds like another right wing constitution-loving gun night, right?). Song.

The US election this year is such more interesting and significant than the PC-vs-PC snoozefest in Australia.