Obama Tries to Trash Donald Trump and Turns into a Stuttering Mess

Obama Tries to Trash Donald Trump and Turns into a Stuttering Mess.

The lame duck president went to Indiana today to hold a rally and trash-talk Donald Trump.

UPDATE from Steve Kates:

This is no more than a teleprompter malfunction, which as usual exposes Obama as the inarticulate nonentity he actually is. His incoherence is protected by the media in the same way that FDR was never shown in a wheelchair by the press in his time.

But that Obama should say one word about how he has begun some kind of social healing process which Donald Trump is about to tear apart is an example of such delusion that it does truly make you worry about the health of the American democracy.

On that last point, one of the outstanding features of the Obama administration has been all that racial healing, just like Mr Obama promised: Race relations in U.S. at a low point in recent history, new poll suggests (and that’s on leftist PBS), or from the Gallup poll:


Delusional indeed.