All Muslim Terrorists are Crazy: It’s always the same excuse

All Muslim Terrorists are Crazy: It’s always the same excuse, by Daniel Greenfield.

A Muslim terrorist stabbed four people at a train station near Munich while screaming, “Allahu Akbar”. In between proclaiming the glory of Allah, he also shouted that his victims were all “unbelievers”. A woman heard him say, “Infidel, you must die”.

The German authorities came to the inescapable conclusion that the attack had nothing to do with Islam. Instead the Muslim terrorist had been “mentally ill” and was probably not even fit to stand trial. The Koran wasn’t to blame. It was the fault of his psychological problems.

This isn’t surprising. It’s a well known fact that there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism. Instead there are just a lot of people out there, of Muslim origin, suffering from a unique set of psychological problems that cause them to shout Allahu Akbar while trying to kill people who aren’t Muslims.

This should not however be attributed to the notoriously peaceful religion of peace.

The author then quotes several recent cases.

Even when Muslim terrorists don’t claim mental illness, the media is happy to plead it for them.

And what is mental illness anyway? In the West, the conviction that you must kill people in order to receive 72 virgins in paradise would be considered a mental illness. In Islam, it’s a mainstream belief.

The media is covering for the enemies of their enemies.

hat-tip Stephen Neil