Can Boys Beat Girls in Reading? Told reading tests are a game, boys score higher

Can Boys Beat Girls in Reading? Told reading tests are a game, boys score higher, by Ann Lukits.

A new study challenges the notion that girls are better at reading than boys.

The research, in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, showed that boys outscored girls on reading tests if they were told the tests were a game. But boys scored significantly lower than girls when told the tests were assessments of their reading skills.

So was the feminization of education achieved by demotivating the boys? Males used to dominate at school and university, but perhaps if those environments are made sufficiently female-oriented, boring and hostile to males — changing the curriculum and teaching practices as required — then males just don’t try as hard.

Now females dominate schools and universities in ways that would be a scandal if the sexes were reversed, but “nobody” (nobody approved by the PC media, that is) kicks up a fuss. Male brains are about 8% heavier than female on average, and the IQ distributions in men and women are different, so maybe the reading news above shouldn’t come as a total surprise.