Cyndi Lauper to turn North Carolina concert into LGBTQIA benefit

Cyndi Lauper to turn North Carolina concert into LGBTQIA benefit. The ABC runs an article lauding pop stars Bruce Springsteen and Cyndi Lauper for calling off performances in North Carolina to protest its “bathroom law,”

which prevents local governments from acting to stop discrimination against LGBTQIA people in public facilities or restrooms.

Never in the busy stream of articles by the ABC on the bathroom law do I see a statement about what the bathroom law actually is — it’s all furious virtue signaling and avoiding certain facts. The bathroom law is only described as quoted, as a vile act of discrimination.

I’ll bet most ABC readers are unaware that the bathroom law merely says that people must use the bathroom matching their genitalia.

You just know when they omit the obvious crucial facts that they know they will not win over most people with their nonsense. Else, why hide it?