Resurrecting Campus Activism of the ’60s

Resurrecting Campus Activism of the ’60s, by Duke Pesta. A powerful and comprehensive critique of PC in its incubator, the humanities faculties of US university campuses. Who would send their children there, apart from PC parents with an eye to jobs for their kids in left-wing politics, or maybe to collect material for the next incarnation of Monty Python?

[D]emands on campuses across the country amount to a de facto recommissioning of the very purpose and mission of colleges and universities, transforming campuses into agents of a very particular and highly politicized type of social activism. These new-made institutions, dedicated to social justice as narrowly defined by progressive special-interest groups, would be empowered to regulate, override, and altogether politicize education, even going so far as to adjudicate on the basis of things such as race, gender, sexuality, or even class, and fully justified in silencing dissent, undermining the right to speech, and discriminating in the furtherance of their new mandate. And yet, these transformations are much farther along than people outside of academia realize. …

Living in an echo chamber for so long, the collective that is the academic Left has become the thing it most claims to hate: judgmental, intolerant, angry and unwilling to debate, slanderous, humorless, racist in opposing racism, sexist in opposing sexism, quick to ban, to exclude, to silence, zealous as a Puritan, indignant as an inquisitor.

By the way, just so you know:

Black Lives Matter co-founder and self-appointed language cop Marissa Jenae Johnson recently declared that the phrase “all lives matter” is now unequivocally a racial slur.

hat-tip Barry Corke