Trump staffer rants against Rubio


First of all, let’s remember the warning of Rush Limbaugh, who said if Rubio is president, within 12 to 18 months, the entirely of the donor class agenda will be implemented.

He described that agenda in detail as:

Mass immigration, open borders, amnesty, TPP [Trans-Pacific Trade partnership] and even more globalist trade deals, and the destruction of U.S. sovereignty.

Understand, everyone listening today: There is a point of no return. It is not far away. It is right in front of you. And if you cross it, there is no going back.

Marco Rubio’s career has been a career of deception for the singular purpose of advancing his own ambition and financial standing and campaign fundraising in order to put him in a position to end forever the existence of the United States as a country with sovereign, protected, secure, defined, certain boundaries.

And then he goes on TV and in Spanish says he won’t eliminate Obama’s executive amnesty? His unconstitutional, executive amnesty right away? And then he pretends he didn’t say that later, when he’s talking in English?

This is the legacy of a man who is committed to an ideology of globalism so extreme it defies explanation.